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Darian Senn-Carter, Ed.D.

Director and Professor 
Homeland Security and Criminal Justice Institute 
School of Business and Law 
Adjunct Faculty
Achieving College & Career Advancement
Transfer Studies
School of Liberal Arts
Adjunct Faculty
Computer Information Systems
School of Science, Technology and Education


Doctor of Education 
Educational Leadership 
Edgewood College 
Master of Science 
Homeland Security Management 
Towson University 
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate 
Security Assessment and Management 
Towson University  
Bachelor of Arts 
Criminology and Criminal Justice 
University of Maryland, College Park 
Letter of Recognition 
Pathways to Teaching 
Anne Arundel Community College 
Associate Certified Coach 
International Coach Federation 


  • Tennis 
  • Jogging 
  • Hiking 
  • Travel 
  • Music 

A Little More 

Darian Senn-Carter is nationally recognized in leadership and education. His passion is the development and implementation of structures to support the success of all students, and he regularly participates in student engagement and success initiatives. He sits on the board of directors for the Maryland Book Bank, Civic Works Inc., Reach! Partnership School, Leaders of Tomorrow Youth Center and CollegeBound Foundation Alumni Association. He is also the founder and coordinator of the Aspiring Leaders Academy mentoring program, co-founder of the University of Maryland, College Park Incentive Awards Visionary Scholarship Award, co-founder of the CollegeBound Foundation Alumni Scholarship Award, and co-founder of the Dunbar High School Alumni Scholarship Award.

Senn-Carter has served in key leadership roles, including as a member of the American Association of Community Colleges National Faculty Council, city councilmember in Bowie, instructor at the National Institutes of Health and chair of AACC’s Middle States Accreditation Design and Delivery of the Student Learning Experience team. He has received numerous recognitions, including the Daily Record’s Top 40 VIP Award, Edgewood College Promise Award, League for Innovations Excellence Award, CollegeBound Foundation Distinguished Alumni Award, Dr. Martin Luther King Zeitgeist Award and Towson University Philanthropic Alumni Award.
Additionally, Senn-Carter is a certified life coach (International Coach Federation) and emergency medical technician. He has a teaching certificate in special education and has completed numerous courses and trainings in leadership and education. He has participated in workshops, presentations and panel discussions both regionally and nationally.


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School of Business and Law

Karen Cook, Esq., Dean


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